George M.

George Mangion is a partner in PKF, an audit and business advisory firm

Promoting Malta as a blockchain island  in Vietnam
One cannot underestimate the merits of virtual currencies and tokens that in...
A tale of Teva - a waning star
According to a recent suit against Teva, it is being accused that during a...
The chivalrous quest of robotics and AI | PKF Malta
The trajectory of new technologies can be enigmatic. They start off from an...
Evaluating Malta’s  economic revival | PKF Malta
In order to arrive at the General Government sector’s positive balance...
Land reclamation could make Malta a Singapore in the Med | PKF Malta
As can be expected, the subject is highly contested by environmentalists and...
Our algorithmic venture into AI | PKF Malta
Artificial intelligence and robotics are two ‘overnight successes’...
Pushing our fate with Greco, Moneyval, IMF and Venice Commission reports  | PKF Malta
Recent reports such as Greco, Moneyval (still in the interim stages) the IMF...
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