BNF Bank wins bank of the year award
For the third consecutive year, BNF Bank has won The Banker’s Award as Malta’s Bank of the Year for 2022
HSBC Malta direct shareholding transferred to HSBC Continental Europe
HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c has been notified that on 30 November  2022, HSBC Europe B.V. transferred its direct shareholding in the Bank to HSBC Continental Europe
MeDirect Bank Malta invests in modern, fun and employee-centred Head Office

MeDirect Bank has inaugurated its newly-refurbished state-of-the-art head office in Tigné Point, Sliema, following a significant investment made over...

MeDirect Bank has inaugurated its newly-refurbished...

APS Funds SICAV plc net asset value down 14.8% in first six months of 2022

The net asset value of APS Funds SICAV plc decreased from €195,557,612 in January 2022 to €166,552,465 at the end of June this year, on offset of...

The net asset value of APS Funds SICAV plc decreased from...

BOV withdraws high-balance fee on deposits to non-personal customers

Bank of Valletta has announced it will no longer be charging the high-balance...

Bank of Valletta has announced it will no longer be...

HSBC Malta joins the Malta ESG Alliance

HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. has joined the Malta ESG Alliance, highlighting its ongoing commitment to decarbonise its operations and promote the transition to a...

HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. has joined the Malta ESG Alliance,...

BNF Bank rings the bell to mark listing on the Malta Stock Exchange

BNF Bank p.l.c. has celebrated its very first listing on the Malta Stock...

BNF Bank p.l.c. has celebrated its very first listing on...

APS Bank removes high-balance fee on financial corporate deposits

APS Bank plc announces that it is removing the high-balance fee on...

APS Bank plc announces that it is removing the...

APS Bank reports strong first half 2022 performance

Volatile financial markets impact group  

Volatile financial markets impact group  

Izola Bank p.l.c. announces €14m bond issue

The bonds will form part of the Bank’s capital and as such, Izola Bank...

The bonds will form part of the Bank’s capital and as...

Malta off FATF greylist: FIAU director says constant vigilance is crucial

Industry leaders agree Malta needs to learn from past mistakes and make sure it maintains standards it had to achieve to get off the FATF's greylist

Industry leaders agree Malta needs to learn from past...

APS green loans extended to electric vehicles for private use

After its launch last year, the APS Green Finance Loan is now being extended to...

After its launch last year, the APS Green Finance Loan is...

Central Bank of Malta publishes second issue of its Quarterly Review for 2022

The Central Bank of Malta has published the second issue of its Quarterly Review for 2022, analysing in-depth economic and financial developments in Malta...

The Central Bank of Malta has published the second issue of...

BOV shareholders’ meeting on Deiulemar two weeks after AGM

Bank of Valletta has confirmed its annual general meeting will be held...

Bank of Valletta has confirmed its annual general meeting...