New collective agreement for PA employees in technical, clerical grades
A new collective agreement covering the Planning Authority’s technical and clerical grades was signed yesterday between the in-house union, UTAC and the Authority. The agreement governs the working conditions of 254 employees and extends to 2023

A new collective agreement covering the Planning Authority’s technical and clerical grades was signed yesterday between the in-house union, UTAC and the Authority.
This agreement which governs the working conditions of 254 employees and extends to 2023, provides for improved salaries and conditions whilst ensuring stability in the workforce to uphold the highest standards of performance to which the Authority is committed.

This agreement embraces a number of improved and new concepts, such as enhanced work flexibility and improved leave options to provide employees with a better work-life balance, an increased investment in training and development and the revamping of the performance bonus mechanism.
Following yesterday’s signing, the Planning Authority has concluded the collective agreements for all its employees.
Last November, the Authority had concluded the collective agreement for PA employees in professional grades.