Melita launches Business Stars mobile plans
Melita has launched Business Stars, ultra-flexible mobile plans which start from just €5 per month

Melita has launched Business Stars, ultra-flexible mobile plans which start from just €5 per month.
When subscribing to Business Stars, business owners have total flexibility in adding on bundles of up to 50 GB of data per month and EU and international calls, depending on their requirements.
Subscribers also have the opportunity to change and add benefits to their mobile plan at any point throughout the period of their contract.
Simon Baldacchino Barthet, Business Sales Senior Manager at Melita Limited, said Melita understands that business owners want the best possible value with the least hassle from their communications provider.
“Business Stars is the ideal solution, a mobile plan that a customer can build according to the specific needs of his or her business, and which can be created through our website,” he said.
More information is available at www.melitabusiness.com.