Editorial | Moving beyond unbridled economic growth
Aiming for economic development means targeting jobs that pay better and create...
Aiming for economic development means targeting jobs that...

Planning Authority to fund restoration of Sliema religious ‘nicca’s
A string of historical religious street niches within the locality of Sliema, bearing a variety of saints’, will be restored through the financial...
A string of historical religious street niches within the...

Is monetary policy the best way to fight inflation?
In a nutshell, navigating this period of inflation and possible recession and...
In a nutshell, navigating this period of inflation and...

Editorial | The goose and the golden eggs
Malta already cannot cope with today’s tourism figures – still less...
Malta already cannot cope with today’s tourism...

Are computer games a waste of time?
Video games can offer a robust learning environment that engages students. It can help them understand concepts otherwise challenging to grasp from traditional...
Video games can offer a robust learning environment that...

The revered monarch is laid to rest
The passing away of the much-loved British monarch may embolden us to face tough local economic conditions next year
The passing away of the much-loved British monarch may...

Editorial | Sensitising the country to the cost of Putin’s war
While withdrawing subsidies now could put an engine brake on the economy and...
While withdrawing subsidies now could put an engine brake...

PA approves Dolphin Centre complex following substantial changes during planning process
This week, the Planning Authority granted planning permission to change the former Dolphin Centre building in Balzan, which has been unutilised for years, into...
This week, the Planning Authority granted planning...

The road to COP27 Series: Voluntary international cooperation to reduce emissions (‘Article 6’ of the Paris Agreement)
With all these new developments, business leaders who engage early will be best placed to reap the benefits. The pooling of small actions can produce a larger...
With all these new developments, business leaders who...

Is Malta ready for renewables and de-carbonisation?
Hopefully, this signals the government’s intention to seriously explore...
Hopefully, this signals the government’s intention to...

Editorial | War and peace
The EU must seek greater energy independence by investing more in renewable energy while bolstering the markets and networks for transition fuels like natural...
The EU must seek greater energy independence by investing...

Tri-Mer Services Ltd partner appointed on EMEA Board of BKR International
Ian Mercieca, a partner at local Corporate Services Provider Tri-Mer Services Ltd, has been appointed on the EMEA Board of BKR international
Ian Mercieca, a partner at local Corporate Services...

The end of data science as we know it?
Thus, Data Scientists should adopt adaptive governance, a flexible, agile decision-making process that allows fast responses while reducing risks
Thus, Data Scientists should adopt adaptive governance, a...

Are we heading towards a recession?
What is certain, however, is that there will be a sharp downturn in growth and each member state will have to simultaneously face its own struggles
What is certain, however, is that there will be a sharp...

Editorial | The difficult case of treating a bloated public sector
Rather than being made redundant, the unneeded employees can be offered some...
Rather than being made redundant, the unneeded employees...

Central Bank and European Investment Bank co-host conference on carbon neutral economy
The Central Bank of Malta together with the European Investment Bank co-hosted a hybrid conference entitled ‘Financing the transition to a carbon neutral...
The Central Bank of Malta together with the European...

Planning Authority launches latest architecture awards publication at ‘MASPtalks’ event
The Planning Authority has launched the 3rd edition of its annual publication featuring the latest Malta Architectural and Spatial Planning award prize...
The Planning Authority has launched the 3rd edition of...

Austerity follows Russian audacity to invade
Sharply rising commodity prices reminds us ominously of the 1973 extreme...
Sharply rising commodity prices reminds us ominously of the...