Is Malta ready for renewables and de-carbonisation?
Hopefully, this signals the government’s intention to seriously explore local production of this energy sector, instead of relying exclusively on the hydrogen-ready pipeline...
Editorial | War and peace
The EU must seek greater energy independence by investing more in renewable energy while bolstering the markets and networks for transition fuels like natural gas and nuclear
An epitaph to Sophia the robot dancing the Blockchain dream

Perhaps we should consider involving 'Sophia', the female robot, to...

Perhaps we should consider involving 'Sophia', the...

Editorial | Aviation fuel tax is bad news for Malta

But opting for a punitive tax regime may not be the best option, especially for...

But opting for a punitive tax regime may not be the best...

Keeping the user in the centre of the design process

The goal is to create a revolutionary product that monitors the child’s...

The goal is to create a revolutionary product that monitors...

Parental leave: who pays for it?

In the case of Malta, it eventually comes down to the question of how Malta defines itself as a welfare state and if the financial responsibility of social...

In the case of Malta, it eventually comes down to the...

Editorial | The stock echange must become an attractive option for investment

But the underlying issue remains the poor offering, which can only change if Maltese companies become bolder and up their game

But the underlying issue remains the poor offering, which...

How Germany plans energy conversion to green hydrogen

Most notably, more and states are building and installing hydrogen-ready...

Most notably, more and states are building and installing...

Editorial | Malta too must re-evaluate its energy strategy

Malta must up its efforts to build offshore floating wind farms and explore a...

Malta must up its efforts to build offshore floating wind...

Education, communication key to combating digital piracy, purchase of fake goods | Alexandra Poch

Piracy of digital content - such as films, music, software and video games - by youths aged between 15 and 24, is the highest in Malta among all EU member...

Piracy of digital content - such as films, music, software...

Can AI get more people  to use public transport?

Using AI, the public transport service can provide smoother services to riders...

Using AI, the public transport service can provide smoother...

Tackling the new risks and challenges in a post-pandemic world for asset managers

Today, both inflation and interest rates are expected to remain high, while ESG requirements are only going to be more stringent. As such, asset management...

Today, both inflation and interest rates are expected to...

Editorial | Work-life balance: Looking beyond the cost

Seeking a healthy work-life balance benefits people and is in the interest of...

Seeking a healthy work-life balance benefits people and is...

Reflections on factors hitting tourism

Obviously the scarcity of workers is putting pressure on wages to rise. This pressure is also felt in the hospitality sector where hourly rates paid for casual...

Obviously the scarcity of workers is putting pressure on...

Two new promotions for Hudson in Malta

Hudson is pleased to announce that its former Head of Retail Operations, Ritianne Grech will now occupy the role of Country General Manager for Malta whilst...

Hudson is pleased to announce that its former Head of...

Editorial | A win-win situation for all

he public must not be short-changed, while investors must be given the opportunity to grow their projects

he public must not be short-changed, while investors must...

Climate change, inflation and de-carbonisation

Inflation is still in single digits, but there is more to come and Europe may...

Inflation is still in single digits, but there is more to...

Did an Artificial Intelligence system just become human?

However, we can’t claim that it is conscious or that it feels emotions....

However, we can’t claim that it is conscious or that...

Edging towards normality

Back home, it is not all doom and gloom as several factors mitigate the risks for us over the long term

Back home, it is not all doom and gloom as several factors...

Editorial | The outdoor music saga

A simple solution like this would ensure sound levels on the outside are brought down to acceptable levels and any breach could be detected through the...

A simple solution like this would ensure sound levels on...