Editorial | Political accessibility: the good, the bad and the ugly
Malta deserves nothing less in its quest to shed the tainted international...
Malta deserves nothing less in its quest to shed the...
INTERVIEW | Michael Mercieca: GO Ventures is prime investor in Gigify.mt
Gigify.mt is an on-demand app that connects workers to customers requiring specific services at the click of a button. “It is a great tool, both for...
Gigify.mt is an on-demand app that connects workers to...
Pope Francis’s visit to Malta, Bucha and climate change
In the words of Pope Francis, may the winds that buffet the island of Malta...
In the words of Pope Francis, may the winds that buffet the...
Editorial | Strengthening the digital road infrastructure
Continuous investment in the digital infrastructure must not be underestimated,...
Continuous investment in the digital infrastructure must...
The state of AI in 2022
We are experiencing a shift in technologies. In the past few years, we’ve seen the rise of Computer Vision. It is a subfield of AI that uses digital...
We are experiencing a shift in technologies. In the past...
A Cabinet of continuity
Government needs to ensure that doing business in Malta is not shackled by unnecessary red tape so that firms are competitive and nimble
Government needs to ensure that doing business in Malta is...
IZI Group looking at a €135 million investment in next 10 years
IZI Group is looking to the future with great optimism as it plans to undertake...
IZI Group is looking to the future with great optimism as...
Election 2022: missing hegemonic efforts to combat climate change
One wonders, if the exploratory talks started by the Finance Minister with his...
One wonders, if the exploratory talks started by the...
Editorial | The next five years
As always, it will be an election which will see three type of voters: the voters who will vote wholeheartedly for a party. The voters who will cast the...
As always, it will be an election which will see three type...
Public abattoir’s main gate and water tower given highest level of protection
The Public Abattoir’s Main Gate, Water Tower and their visual link have been given the highest protection status as Grade 1 properties by the Planning...
The Public Abattoir’s Main Gate, Water Tower and...
Disruption in the workplace
Undoubtedly, the most desired feature of the future workforce is flexibility. Ease of learning and strong work ethic will make employees desirable
Undoubtedly, the most desired feature of the future...
Malta-denied opportunities for oil and gas
As Shakespeare once wrote, there is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken...
As Shakespeare once wrote, there is a tide in the affairs...
Editorial | No to mandatory union membership
If anything, existing laws governing industrial and employment relations should...
If anything, existing laws governing industrial and...
AI company EBO now serving six NHS hospitals in UK
AI Virtual Agent company EBO continues to sustain its fast business growth with...
AI Virtual Agent company EBO continues to sustain its fast...
PKF hospitality group helps Ukraine refugees
One hopes that the fourth round of talks at Belarus by two sides of the...
One hopes that the fourth round of talks at Belarus by two...
Editorial | Risks and opportunities of war
Malta must up its efforts to build offshore floating wind farms and explore a...
Malta must up its efforts to build offshore floating wind...
Prestigious MASP Awards reveal Malta’s top architectural and interior design projects for 2021
Perit Konrad Buhagiar receives the President’s award
Perit Konrad Buhagiar receives the President’s award
The space race is on!
The Space Race is not only alive and kicking today but back on the priority list of most countries. A stroll at the recent World Expo held in Dubai quickly...
The Space Race is not only alive and kicking today but back...