Budget 2021: Wheeling the ship of state
In conclusion, the budget is a pivotal one coming at a time when the country finds itself at a crossroad. It needs to assure investors that the government is...
In conclusion, the budget is a pivotal one coming at a time...
Editorial | Budget 2021: A lifesaver in a time of uncertainty
A budget delivered in the shadow of a global pandemic is never an easy one to...
A budget delivered in the shadow of a global pandemic is...
To play or not to play, this is the problem!
Don’t fool yourself into thinking that games are just for kids. Many...
Don’t fool yourself into thinking that games are just...
PA starts process to optimise space in industrial parks
The Planning Authority initiated the planning process to annul the...
The Planning Authority initiated the planning process...
2021: a year of redemption
But for all intents and purposes, the economic drivers on the island remain resilient and will likely assist the nation in making a swift economic recovery in...
But for all intents and purposes, the economic drivers on...
INTERVIEW | Marius Galdikas: The growing role of artificial intelligence in the digital payments market
AI-driven technology is gaining momentum in the digital payments market, both in backend operations and customer-facing payment systems. Marius Galdikas, CEO...
AI-driven technology is gaining momentum in the digital...
Editorial | A COVID surge and the budget
This forward planning is important, especially at a time of global uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic
This forward planning is important, especially at a time of...
A national plan worth paying attention to
Imagine a reality where people thrive with a high quality of life – one...
Imagine a reality where people thrive with a high quality...
Big government is back
COVID19 should not be an excuse to bring back Big Government
COVID19 should not be an excuse to bring back Big Government
The legacy of a Burmarrad whiz kid
One salutes the prowess demonstrated by the Burmarrad guru and hopes that the 2021 budget designed by a reformed 'kitchen cabinet' will introduce a...
One salutes the prowess demonstrated by the Burmarrad guru...
'Let’s build on the lessons learnt'
Influential stakeholders come together to mould way forward for a more sustainable society
Influential stakeholders come together to mould way forward...
Editorial | Getting its act together
Grech has a tall order and very little time on his hands but we can only hope that the Opposition will finally get its act together for the good of the country
Grech has a tall order and very little time on his hands...
Chamber of Advocates resumes quarterly law seminars
The seminar is scheduled for Wednesday 7 October at 12.00 at the Chamber of...
The seminar is scheduled for Wednesday 7 October at 12.00...
PA funds restoration of Centru Santu Rokku in Valletta
The Ċentru Santu Rokku, in Valletta, boasts great historical significance and...
The Ċentru Santu Rokku, in Valletta, boasts great...
Facebook is ruining your life: A quick look at the negative effects of social media on our society
The scope behind this article is not to scare people off social media. But it shows how technology is, unfortunately, being used to bring out the worse in...
The scope behind this article is not to scare people off...
The pain and pleasure of working from home
Taken together, this social anomaly is generating a time bomb for inequality....
Taken together, this social anomaly is generating a time...
Affinity Group’s personal approach reaping 'unprecedented' rewards
Chief executive Andrew Morgan said that the team’s talent and...
Chief executive Andrew Morgan said that the...
Editorial | The price to pay for securing American support
Soliciting the help of the US is a practical way of gaining some leverage on...
Soliciting the help of the US is a practical way of gaining...