Editorial | Fighting financial crime must be a top priority
Malta faces the crucial Moneyval test next month and failing it will cause problems on the international stage. But this is not just about passing a test but about the need to...
PA issues Grade 2 protection for 18th century villa in Zejtun
An 18th-century villa owned by the Testaferrata Bonici family, in an area known as Ta’ Tavlin, in the locality of Żejtun has been given Grade 2 protection status by the...
Over 600 guests at AX hotels in the first opening week

During the first week of opening, AX Hotels received over 600 guests and...

During the first week of opening, AX Hotels received over...

New proposed rural policy will support agriculture and safeguard the countryside

The Planning Authority has issued for public consultation a draft Rural Policy and Design Guidance which seeks to review the 2014 policy

The Planning Authority has issued for public consultation a...

Children caught in the web

No parent would ever leave his child in a dangerous place. Yet many of us are doing so without even realising it

No parent would ever leave his child in a dangerous place....

Red tape strangling post-COVID recovery

Is this a familiar warning sign that echoed so forcefully during the last financial meltdown? A feeling of deja vu sinks in. Can the commercial...

Is this a familiar warning sign that echoed so forcefully...

Interview | Mark Aquilina: Good governance as corporate responsibility

Multidisciplinary firm of certified and experienced public accountants, auditors and company service providers NOUV recently launched GetGovernanz, a new...

Multidisciplinary firm of certified and experienced public...

Editorial | The challenges we face

Our dependence on tourism is high and reports and comparisons to other countries will not alleviate the crisis we are facing

Our dependence on tourism is high and reports and...

Defiant PN leader says statute does not provide for his removal

New PN statute leaves many options open to interpretation

New PN statute leaves many options open to interpretation

Turning Marsa sports complex into an internationally-recognised sports hub

ew proposed planning policies have been published by the Planning Authority to further enable the site of the Marsa Sports Complex and its immediate vicinity...

ew proposed planning policies have been published by the...

Jobs not face masks

Let’s focus on kick-starting economic growth and refrain from COVID19 scaremongering and remove all COVID19 restrictions. Otherwise the...

Let’s focus on kick-starting economic growth and...

IIP: plucking the goose that lays the golden egg

It is an open secret that Malta lost the lucrative Asian market as the latter...

It is an open secret that Malta lost the lucrative Asian...

INTERVIEW | Nazzareno Vassallo: 'No regrets, honestly'

When  he turned 19, he was entrusted with the management of the...

When  he turned 19, he was entrusted with the...

Editorial | Vitiated hospitals deal must be rescinded

Contractual clauses that are deleterious to the public good and which were...

Contractual clauses that are deleterious to the public good...

HSBC Malta supports Malta Trust Foundation’s Food Aid Project

HSBC Malta has donated €8,000 to The Malta Trust Foundation, as part of...

HSBC Malta has donated €8,000 to The Malta Trust...

Comprehensive plan to regenerate derelict site of former Jerma Palace hotel in Marsascala

Although the locality of Marsascala has experienced considerable population growth over the past decades, a downturn in the hotel accommodation sector within...

Although the locality of Marsascala has experienced...

Reinventing banking in the new decade using AI

AI is a tool that is changing the way we bank forever, and it is ushering the...

AI is a tool that is changing the way we bank forever, and...

Europe introduces screening measures on FDI

There is some concern to ensure that no sell-out of EU strategic companies...

There is some concern to ensure that no sell-out of EU...

INTERVIEW | Nikhil Patil: The long game

Since April 2018, Nikhil Patil has been at the helm of communications giant GO. BusinessToday spoke to him about his achievements thus far and his outlook on...

Since April 2018, Nikhil Patil has been at the helm of...

Editorial | Welcome to an innovative voucher system

At times like these, it becomes imperative that public sector responses are...

At times like these, it becomes imperative that public...