Urban greening gets a funding boost
Financial support for urban greening projects has been pushed towards the top of the Planning Authority’s agenda. BusinessToday spoke to Perit Vincent Cassar, Chairperson of...
Will the COVID-19 vaccine alter my DNA and hook me to an AI?
I understand that it is not always easy to sift between real and fake news. When in doubt, even after going through the three steps above, better just ignore the new item rather...
The fable of the bees or private vices

Mandeville’s paradox alleged, unapologetically, the tendency of leaders to hide vices behind socially acceptable forms of behaviour, thereby appearing...

Mandeville’s paradox alleged, unapologetically, the...

INTERVIEW | Bernhardt Engerer: Data analysis and what it brings to a modern, growing business

Notwithstanding these challenging times, eCabs keeps investing in its resources with BERNHARDT ENGERER as the latest addition to its in-house team of data...

Notwithstanding these challenging times, eCabs keeps...

Editorial |  Cleaner politics for better business

Abela’s government must persist in its drive to ensure the rule of law...

Abela’s government must persist in its drive to...

MAPFRE staff donate blood

This month, several employees from MAPFRE Malta, will be celebrating World Blood Donor Day by donating blood towards the National Blood Transfusion Unit

This month, several employees from MAPFRE Malta, will be...

Planning for the common good

In her role of driving for sustainable development at the Planning Authority, Michelle Borg believes that listening to the right experts as well as to that...

In her role of driving for sustainable development at the...

MFSA participates in global captive insurance summit amid renewed growth in the sector

MFSA participated in a global captive insurance summit amid at renewed growth in the sector

MFSA participated in a global captive insurance summit...

Cashing in the €20 free vouchers

The spectre of rising rents and licenses makes one doubt if the landlord is earning more than the catering operator who risks so much time and energy to meet...

The spectre of rising rents and licenses makes one doubt if...

INTERVIEW | Philip Fenech: Leisure and tourism sectors' optimistic forward strides in a post-COVID world

BusinessToday spoke with Philip Fenech, chairperson for the Town-Centre Management Project in Paceville/St Julian’s and a veteran in the leisure and...

BusinessToday spoke with Philip Fenech, chairperson for the...

Editorial | No easy turnaround  but there is space for cautious optimism

On the domestic front, people should be encouraged to start spending money and in those sectors where business has returned to relative normality, wages should...

On the domestic front, people should be encouraged to start...

PA procedural guidelines on visual integrity of scheduled buildings and monuments

Planning Authority has published clearer guidelines on how to identify, interpret, and treat the setting/context of scheduled buildings

Planning Authority has published clearer guidelines on how...

Defining the MFSA’s risk-based supervisory approach

The adoption of a risk-based approach to supervision provides the MFSA with a...

The adoption of a risk-based approach to supervision...

How to pump-up your business using AI

Transforming an organisation into an AI company is not merely achieved by sprinkling some AI inside the business processes

Transforming an organisation into an AI company is not...

Wanted: a recovery plan on steroids

It goes without saying that it is imperative that leaders increase resiliency. To do so, governments must gain public trust in order to act effectively and...

It goes without saying that it is imperative that leaders...

INTERVIEW | Abigail Mamo: Moving forward with optimism

BusinessToday caught up with Chamber of SMEs CEO Abigail Mamo to discuss the...

BusinessToday caught up with Chamber of SMEs CEO Abigail...

Editorial | A stimulus for manufacturing

A country like Malta with a small domestic market has to rely on a strong export base to ensure prosperity for its citizens and this renewed effort to invest...

A country like Malta with a small domestic market has to...

BMIT and EBO.ai in strategic partnership

BMIT Technologies and EBO.ai have entered into a strategic partnership that will allow BMIT Technologies to offer an effective and innovative customer support...

BMIT Technologies and EBO.ai have entered into a strategic...

Prince’s Trust International achieves excellent results for its students

Prince’s Trust International, backed by the HSBC Malta Foundation, continued to support young students during the 2019-20 academic year

Prince’s Trust International, backed by the HSBC...

Freed from lockdown

We regain our liberties. Alleluia ! 

We regain our liberties. Alleluia !