An RFP to receive competitive bids on a power purchase agreement
As had happened locally for Electrogas’ nuanced selection saga, next year...
As had happened locally for Electrogas’ nuanced...

Editorial | Moving away from fossil fuels: a fair and just transition
The future of our planet is at stake and getting it right is imperative. But it...
The future of our planet is at stake and getting it right...

FinanceMalta facilitates high-profile networking event in the City of London
Malta’s standing as an international financial jurisdiction took centre stage during a high-profile networking event in the City of London on 4 December
Malta’s standing as an international financial...

The Consumer Credit Directive revamped - Part 1
A broader scope of application, stricter rules on the creditworthiness...
A broader scope of application, stricter rules on the...

Facing the challenges in COP28
One thing stands out clear - it looks clear that if the world does not triple renewable capacity by 2030, it will be highly unlikely that we reach the goal of...
One thing stands out clear - it looks clear that if the...

Editorial | Tourist numbers are up... but is that such a good thing?
Subsequently the country should enact clear zoning rules to stop tourism from...
Subsequently the country should enact clear zoning rules to...

AI won’t disrupt your business, but your AI-savvy competitor will!
Despite its promise, AI's integration in business poses significant...
Despite its promise, AI's integration in business poses...

'Sustainable logistics is the only way forward' | Etienne Attard
The majority of what we consume has to be imported. However, being an island,...
The majority of what we consume has to be imported....

High interest rates and subsidised energy prices
Ideally, let us revert to meritocracy and drop cronyism to achieve positive...
Ideally, let us revert to meritocracy and drop cronyism to...

Editorial | Green taxes risk harming Europeans and European industry
Unless massive public investment goes to support private endeavour, the green...
Unless massive public investment goes to support private...

After the largesse, expect hidden taxes to balance debt
In conclusion, these are troubling times with global uncertainties such as the...
In conclusion, these are troubling times with global...

Editorial | Bringing order to crypto’s wild west
Proper and effective crypto regulation will bring order to the markets, instil...
Proper and effective crypto regulation will bring order to...

When yesterday meets AI's tomorrow
Ultimately, "Now and Then" is more than just a song—it's a bridge across time, a labour of love that connects us to The Beatles once more
Ultimately, "Now and Then" is more than just a...

Hailing a true democracy sharing wealth equitably
By the way, the Commission has already warned us to change to...
By the way, the Commission has already warned us to change...

Editorial | Robust growth but a shift is needed
At the same time, the education system must also transform to imbue students...
At the same time, the education system must also transform...

September IPP up by 0.6% in the EU
In September 2023, industrial producer prices rose by 0.5% in the euro area and by 0.6% in the EU, compared with August 2023, according to estimates from...
In September 2023, industrial producer prices rose by 0.5%...

At last, Malta desires to attract Unicorns
This plan includes assessment and mitigation of potential investment risks...
This plan includes assessment and mitigation of...

Editorial | MTA should drive quality tourism through better supervision
The tourist numbers thus far are encouraging and all entities must pull the same rope to ensure this important industry continues to grow
The tourist numbers thus far are encouraging and all...